Tuesday, July 8, 2008

and the winner is....

Hey everyone!

That was so much fun & pretty great for a first time contest!!
(We just might have to make this a regular thing!)

We received quite a few firework photos, so many it was actually pretty hard to choose just one winner. There were many different, fun and exciting images. We had some super ones of the kids with sparklers. Some from a local marina, very nice with the dock and boats in view. But, the best goes to Linda C. from Clearwater. Linda's image captured the whole story. Shot at Coachman Park, Clearwater.

A super shot of the crowd, the bandstand, the water & of course the fireworks!!
Great job!

Linda wins a free photo session, for the kids or the whole family! Congratulations!

Keep posted, I will be announcing a new contest in the next couple of days!

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